To get things started here on Substack, I thought I’d share a bit about why I garden. I hope you’ll enjoy learning a bit more about me.
I’ve been photographing and writing about my garden for longer than I’ve been a botanical painter, on a blog that no longer exists, on Blogger, on my website and now here on Substack.
When I first started blogging, I was a children’s librarian in an inner-ring suburb of Cleveland. Today I’m a full-time artist living in a small town in rural Wisconsin. From there to here has been a winding journey of learning and self-discovery. When I first picked up a paintbrush. I had no idea what I was doing and couldn’t imagine the art I’d be making today.
Through it all, I gardened.
Plants and flowers are in my heart and soul. My mom is a gardener and from her, I learned that growing things is simply part of life.
I never thought to question why dig a garden in your backyard or grow a plant on your windowsill. I tended houseplants in my childhood bedroom and when I went away to college, in my dorm room. Outdoors, I’ve gardened on rooftops, fire escapes, community gardens and in my own backyards.
In 2010 when I started teaching myself how to paint, I turned to the plants and flowers I grew for inspiration. For me, gardening and art are beautifully intertwined. Both are creative endeavors. Both help me to slow down and be present. Both connect me with the magic of the natural world.
One of the things that intrigues me about gardens and gardening is how personal it is. I love hearing stories of other people’s gardens. Every person’s garden is a unique expression of their creative spirit. Every gardener has their own unique collection of reasons for picking up their trowel.
Here are some of the reasons I garden:
It’s who I am.
As a creative outlet.
To connect with nature.
As a sanctuary from the stresses of modern life.
For sustenance — physical, emotional, spiritual and creative nourishment.
To provide habitat and sustenance and sanctuary for wildlife.
As inspiration for my art.
Now it’s your turn.
If you’re a gardener, why do you garden? If you’re simply an admirer of gardens, what do you love about them?
Thanks for reading!
Substack is an experiment for me and I’m still finding my way. My next post is due to arrive on Saturday, June 22 and I plan on publishing here once a month on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
If you’re not yet familiar with me and my work, I hope you’ll take a moment to visit my website.
I love hearing from my readers, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you joy!
Hello, Anne! Like a lot of people, my wife and I really "got into" gardening during the pandemic. So therapeutic and hopeful!
I totally enjoy watching things grow from seeds. It always seems like a miracle to me.
This year started off with a lot a lot of promise. Spring was wonderful. Unfortunately, summer in Ohio was pretty brutal early on. The deer and rabbits did a number on the garden, too. Like the Browns fans always say, "There's always next year!"
Looking forward to reading, liking,vand commenting on your stories here on Substack! ❤️
Hi Anne, great to see you here on Substack! I love seeing your garden updates on YouTube. You have such a variety of birds and insects that visit your garden. My garden and the visitors to my garden are my inspiration. The garden always gives me an escape from an overwhelming world. A place to find peace and to ground myself in nature.